It’s #StarWarsDay! #MayTheFourthBeWithYou @SaberRiderGame #星銃士ビスマルク
Howdy Pardners!
Today we have updated our Demo version. This is a bug fix release.
Some people had reported some problems with 4K screens and high resolutions.
This problem should be fixed now.
On the Dreamcast version we had some crashes happening...

Howdy Pardners!

Today we have updated our Demo version. This is a bug fix release.
Some people had reported some problems with 4K screens and high resolutions.
This problem should be fixed now.
On the Dreamcast version we had some crashes happening in the option menu and also during the Backer Credits. This problem should be fixed as well.
Please try it out.

All the previous Dropbox links to the old version of demo are no longer working.
From now on the demo can be downloaded here:

We have also some exciting news for all the people who asked for a Dreamcast Limited Edition or ways to still support us. This is now possible again!
Please visit
There you can find our new Ramrod Edition for Sega Dreamcast.

We have also some exciting news for all the people who asked for a Dreamcast Limited Edition or ways to still support us. This is now possible again!
Please visit
There you can find our new Ramrod Edition for Sega Dreamcast.

New exciting mission for the Saber Rider Game. This is the first mission to include the vehicle-mode. Thank you very much again to Henk Nieborg for the great pixel work!

Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs in now on Steam Greenlight. In order to put our game on Steam, we need enough votes on Greenlight. If you like, please vote for us. Thank you!

Today I want to show some early WIP footage of the first part of mission 1. Beware! This level and material is still being worked on and highly WIP! There is content missing or not finsihed (the beep sound for example XD) and some features are not finished aswell. The music currentely used is from the series OST and will be replaced with the game OST.

Landing area in the desert. First Mission.

Landing area in the desert. First Mission.

This is our character editor for our game. With that tool we are able to modify all the attributes of our characters in the game.

This is our character editor for our game. With that tool we are able to modify all the attributes of our characters in the game.

The App Icon for our game.

The App Icon for our game.